Hey, I was just wondering if somone could help me get thru this troublesome mission. If you have any tips just leave em here, or if you can help me ingame contact me on:
If I'm on when you are, I'll try to take you through it to give you an idea. Don't want to give too much away, because I think this is a challenging mission for some for a reason. But if you stay by the king the entire time, it's pretty easy usually. Sometimes he wonders off a little ways, so he's hard to keep track of, but I just hold down alt and look around to find him again. If Mhenlo and Lina stay close by him, they tend to heal and protect him more.
i too believe staying by the king to be the best idea, ignore the ballistae and the doors, enemy groups tend to come one at a time from either side. when the mursaat boss arrives kill every enemy with him first, if more enemies arrive kill them too when hes all alone take him down, its all downhill from that point. good luck
As for using an MM.... please god no. Ever since they added the limit to minions an MM is about as much use as an IW mesmer for that mission. Even before they sucked the moment you reach the fort, since Jades don't leave corpses and half the things they cast just obliterate minions (not infused for a start).
The only reason people find this mission hard is because you don't realise your group sucks until you reach the fort (as said by someone earlier when me n some random monk decided to help some people through the bonus earlier ). Any group can reach the fort (in most cases) but thats when you really notice the people who don't listen and think there methods are obviously the best.
What class are you? Since it can differ. Ranger gets it easy imho, interrupts and a fairly good damage output, barbed trap is nice to put on the steps occasionally. Mesmers can interrupt (seriously this saves henchman if you interrupt Life Transfer/Chain Lighting/Energy Surge). Eles... i think you might be better with Air personally. Good damage vs single targets as they only come in groups of 2 max anyway and spread out alot and you can target with Weakness to severely screw up Jades. Necros, curses for Enfeeble and a basic SS build i'd imagine, that or go Blood and just degen/spam the crap outa everything. Monks i'd suggest smiting, armour ignoring damage is brilliant for taking out the boss (specially when its that frigging Perfected Armour!), plus you can bring things like Bane Signet and Sig oJ or Shield oJ if you have it (i'd recommend going healer or prot though for the 2nd part of that. Zealots Fire is great for breaking agro on certain party members if you just spam RoF as much as possible. Warriors have it bad for henchman imo, W/N using Plague Touch is almost critical since you can't interrupt Enervating Charge/Devasting Hammer and its the quick n easy method to remove Weaken and get a nice bonus of giving it them too. The only difficult part is somehow controlling agro and killing off other targets at the same time (like blocking the Perfected Armour and killing off the other 3 Mursaat nearby...). Bringing Watch Yourself is advised, nothing beats having 20 extra armour on henchman at critical times.
Other than staying at the King theres nothing much else you can do with henchman, just remember to bring a Res Signet (never anything else) since you NEED that henchman back up ASAP, if its a monk to get going again or just to stop them casting Restore Life which means instant death for your team if they do. You should also pray that the Perfected Cloak turns up, this boss is beyond laughable. Its damage output SUCKS and it can't heal opponents like the Monk could.
Like Matsumi said, keep an eye on the king. He's.... odd. The last 2 trips i've done he's ended up halfway down the stairs (the twonk almost got killed trying to tank a Jade Armour last time!).
I could probably help you out instead though too. All i seem to do these days is chest run FoW. I'll either be on 1st account on my ranger Kendel Sharpeye or my 2nd account on my monk Alexi Vedder. If i decide to bring my Mesmer, don't mind if i randomly walk off and start soloing things Ineptitude and Clumsiness annihilate single enemies (all casters have to attack sometime ).
Uh, I just pressed E + Spacebar for the whole defend the fort part. Got bonus too. Probably used Frenzy also.
Meh, only tried it once with my warrior using henchman. It was going ok till the Perfected Armour joined the party. At which point the whole team slowly got annihilated. I'll have to give it another go and see how it goes.
Derrty, the monks aren't much a problem, theres only ever 1 of them and both (Dolyak or Mursaat) are very poor healers. The thing you really shouldn't ignore are Stone Summit Gnashers. I once made that mistake in Tasca's Demise, spent that long killing off the Carvers/Rangers the Gnashers had risen about 8 Fiends, they just tore the henchman a new 1 so quickly, the entire party was dead about 20 seconds after i noticed what was killing us, at which point there were a few more fiends in action thanks to the dead henchman...
Last edited by Evilsod; Jun 06, 2006 at 12:40 AM // 00:40..
Camp the king, take out whatever comes close... when the boss arrives, kill the ones helping him, then go for him. Henches for life, they own if controlled correctly.
Build was just something random, worked meh, you could probably make a better one. ;p
stay by the king, but before you kill the elemental boss that is in the fortress. use the siege weapons to the west to take out the giants. once the giants are gone, then take out the elemental boss. then you'll get the cut scene. then stick by the king. save the bosses for last when they come with a group. that is what i did when i did the mission with henchies. i was a ele/nec. the mursaat ele boss was a pain. had a knockdown spell to deal with him.
As for using an MM.... please god no. Ever since they added the limit to minions an MM is about as much use as an IW mesmer for that mission. Even before they sucked the moment you reach the fort, since Jades don't leave corpses and half the things they cast just obliterate minions (not infused for a start).
So true *nods head*
The one time I went as a MM to do Thunderhead with henchies, all I was good for was trapping the monk boss in a corner so Cynn could firestorm him to death.(yes, Cynn and we took 17 minutes to kill that thing)
As some others have mentioned, stay by the king and keep an eye on him. I usually attack in this order: Jade, Mursaat, Mantle, whatever else, then the Mursaat/Jade boss. I run a curse necro with spiteful spirit and spinal shivers for that mission.
If you still need help, let the monky know.
I was kind of surprised today. I've been reading all about how tough and frustrating most people find Thunder Head Keep. Today I tried it for the first time, and had all henchman. Went through it without a problem. Don't think the king lost any hps at all. I must've gotten a lucky spawn or something, because it was simple. Only tough part was the mursaat boss, but still if you just take out the other mobs and then focus on the boss after, it's not too bad. I follow the tactic of staying with the king. Never left him once, and it went very smooth!
Just as an extra comment, I personally find that henchman work amazingly well. I've done all missions except for two (frost gate and sanctum cay) up to ring of fire now with just henchman, and haven't really had any problems. The only places I see them being a problem are for missions where you need real people to do two things at once or something (in frost gate, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe you need 2 or 3 real people to pull all the levers at once?) or if you have another npc guy you need to keep alive. My experience with henchman is that you should try and bring a pretty varied build to cover a few things. Like if you need to interupt a mob, you're not really going to rely on the henchman for that, etc. So as a e/me, I will bring damage spells, self healing, at least one interupt if I need to, etc. But yeah, throughout the game I've basically used the henchman to try the mission a few times to get the hang of what needs to be done, but I've basically been able to get it done with henchman.
Last edited by joncoish; Jun 11, 2006 at 04:35 AM // 04:35..